Ongoing Studies

  • PASCAL: Culturally Tailored Conversational Agent for Quitting Smoking

  • Healthy Heart Habits 2 (HHH-2)

  • Optimization of a Behavioral Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Older Adults Living with HIV (Hi Activity)

  • COMPARE: Expanding First Line Options for Depression and Matching Treatments to Patients: Hatha Yoga vs. Behavioral Therapy

  • Chronic Disease Reduction and Equity Promotion Across Minnesota (C2DREAM): Smoking Cessation Outreach for Research Equity (SCORE)

  • Brief Acceptance-Based Retention Intervention for Newly Diagnosed HIV Participants (HIV Engage)

  • Effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapy Sampling in Dental Practices (FreSH)

  • Post Acute Cardiac Event Smoking (PACES) Study